If you could race around the world and celebrate the New Year in Many Time Zones...
Published at: Dec. 28, 2022
It's mind-boggling to realize that the entire world does not enter the New Year at the exact same time. If you remember your earth science, the rotating planet on which humans dwell is separated into multiple time zones that pass by in singular hours. What if you could race against the ticking clock and celebrate the New Year in at least ten of the existing 26 time zones around the world? If you could, it would look something like the following.

Kiritimati, Christmas Island, LINT Time Zone
Kiritimati (literally pronounced in the local tongue as Kairish-mash) is a tiny city on Christmas Island. They are the first to see the arrival of the New Year, and they greet it with a massive fireworks show in the heart of the city. The island is very small and has many restricted areas, so if you celebrate here, follow the rules closely.
Head to Sydney, Australia, AEDT Time Zone
The iconic Sydney Harbor celebrates the New Year with several interesting festivities. One of the things Australians love to do when they can afford it is board the Sydney River Cruise ships that slowly move in the waterways here. The boats then pause to watch the magnificent fireworks show over the Sydney Harbor and Sydney Opera House.
See the Amazing Festivities of Tokyo, Japan, JST Time Zone
Japan celebrates the incoming year in a more relaxed way, but with just as much celebrational exuberance as you might expect. A really big part of the day is spent in preparing a huge feast, as the evening is set aside to connect with extended family and just enjoy the massive meal that has been prepared. Japanese people also observe the first shrine visit of the year, honoring their religion and their deceased ancestors. In the city filled with bright, colorful vibrant lights, there are even more lights in unexpected places to summon in the New Year.
Whoop It up in New Delhi, India, IST Time Zone
New Delhi really knows how to put on a festive party for New Year's Eve! There are galas, feasts, live entertainment, music, dancing, and all-night parties that don't seem to stop. If you are not personally invited to one of the major events of the year in New Delhi, don't worry. There are other events and feasts all over the city that virtually anyone can attend.
Party Hardy in Khartoum, Sudan, CAT Time Zone
If you can make it in time, Khartoum throws a New Year's celebration that is tough to beat. A massive dance party is hosted by the city where only the best dressed can go. If you want a toned-down version, watch the fireworks or find a rooftop restaurant featuring unique dining experiences and meals crafted just for the event.
Have a Gay Old Time in Gay Paris, France, CET Local Time
Paris is known for many things. One of those things is the incredible extravagance with no expense spared in celebrating Christmas and a brand-new year. The Eiffel Tower puts on a light show unparalleled in any other country. The cruises on the Seine through the heart of Paris on this night are positively magical, plus you get a front row seat to the shows. Lots of real champagne and exquisite food is served too.