Current time in American Samoa

American Samoa

11:59 a.m.
March 3, 2025

Local time in American Samoa

The time in American Samoa is 11 hours behind UTC and 6 hours behind Columbus. The timezone in American Samoa is Samoa Standard Time (SST). American Samoa is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST).

Details for the time in American Samoa

Current time
11:59 a.m.
Time zone Samoa Standard Time (SST)
IANA time zone Pacific/Pago_Pago
Your time difference 6 hours behind Columbus
UTC time difference UTC-11
11 hours behind UTC

American Samoa Daylight Saving Time (DST)

American Samoa is not using Daylight Saving Time.

American Samoa

Samoa uses Samoa Standard Time SST. SST is UTC -1100. Samoa's latitude and longitude is 13° 35 S and 172° 20 W. Greenwich and Samoa are almost at opposite sides of the world explaining the big offset to UTC. Because Samoa is not far South of the Equator there is no daylight saving time.

Important cities in American Samoa

The current time in some important cities in American Samoa is shown below.

Time in American Samoa