Current time in Chile


Chile uses two time zones. Continental Chile uses Chile Standard Time CLT. CST is UTC−03:00. The second time zone is Easter Island Standard Time CLST. CLST is UTC−05:00, this time zone is used only at Easter Island. Continental Chile's latitude and longitude is 30° 00' S and 71° 00' W. Therefore a three hours offset between UTC and CST is less than you would expect. This results in a late sunrise in Chile. The fact that Chile recently stopped using daylight savings time and decided to make the Chile Summer Time the Standard Time is one of the causes for this late sunrise. From east to west Chile is no bigger than 500 kilometers. However, the distance between the border in the north and the south of Chile is over 9000 kilometers. Because of this there is a big difference between the amount of sunlight each day between the north and the south of the country. Days in the south will be longer or shorter than in the days in the north depending on the season.

Important cities in Chile

Chile has several timezones, the current time in some important cities in Chile is shown below.

Time in Chile