Current time in Colombia
Local time in Colombia
The time in Colombia is 5 hours behind UTC and the same as in Columbus. The timezone in Colombia is Colombia Time (COT). Colombia is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 1993.
Details for the time in Colombia
Current time | 5:58 p.m.
Time zone | Colombia Time (COT) |
IANA time zone | America/Bogota |
Your time difference | same time as Columbus |
UTC time difference | UTC-5 5 hours behind UTC |
Colombia Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Colombia is not using Daylight Saving Time.
Columbia uses Columbia Time COT. COT is UTC -0500. Colombia's latitude and longitude is 04° 00' N and 72° 00' W. Because of this a five hours offset between COT and UTC is not surprising. Because of its location close to the equator Columbia has no need for daylight savings time.
Important cities in Colombia
The current time in some important cities in Colombia is shown below.
Time in Colombia