Current time in Cyprus


2:50 a.m.
April 25, 2024

Local time in Cyprus

The time in Cyprus is 3 hours ahead of UTC and 7 hours ahead of Columbus. The current timezone in Cyprus is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST). Cyprus is currently observing Daylight Saving Time (DST) also known as summer time. Daylight Saving Time in Cyprus ends at Oct. 26, 2024.

Details for the time in Cyprus

Current time
2:50 a.m.
Time zone Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
Standard timezone: Eastern European Time (EET)
IANA time zone Asia/Nicosia
Your time difference 7 hours ahead of Columbus
UTC time difference UTC+3
3 hours ahead of UTC

Cyprus Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Cyprus uses Daylight Saving Time. In the table below you can find out when DST begins and when DST ends in Cyprus.

DST started at March 30, 2024
Sets the clock forward 1 hour
DST is ending at Oct. 26, 2024
Sets the clock back 1 hour
Next DST starts at March 29, 2025
Sets the clock forward 1 hour


Cyprus uses Eastern European Time EET and Eastern European Summer Time EEST. EET is UTC +0200 and EEST is UTC +0300. Cyprus's latitude and longitude is 35° 00' N and 33° 00' E. Therefore the two hours offset between EET and UTC is not surprising. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s not very big therefore there is only a small time difference between the sunrise in the east and the west of the island.

Important cities in Cyprus

The current time in some important cities in Cyprus is shown below.

Time in Cyprus