Current time in East Timor

East Timor

9:24 p.m.
Sept. 11, 2024

Local time in East Timor

The time in East Timor is 9 hours ahead of UTC and 13 hours ahead of Ashburn. The timezone in East Timor is East Timor Time (TLT). East Timor is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 2000.

Details for the time in East Timor

Current time
9:24 p.m.
Time zone East Timor Time (TLT)
IANA time zone Asia/Dili
Your time difference 13 hours ahead of Ashburn
UTC time difference UTC+9
9 hours ahead of UTC

East Timor Daylight Saving Time (DST)

East Timor is not using Daylight Saving Time.

East Timor

East Timor uses East Timor Time TLT. TLT is UTC +0900. East Timor latitude and longitude is 8° 50 S and 125° 55 E Therefore being nine hours ahead of UTC is suitable for East Timor. Considering its low latitude the it is no surprise the country doesn’t use daylight savings time.

Important cities in East Timor

The current time in some important cities in East Timor is shown below.

Time in East Timor