Current time in Ecuador
Ecuador uses two time zones. This might surprise you because Ecuador isn’t a very big country. However the Galápagos are part of Ecuador too. The Galápagos are located approximately one thousand kilometers off het western coast of mainland Ecuador, explaining the need for an extra time zone. Mainland Ecuador uses Ecuador Time ECT. ECT is UTC -0500. The Galapagos use Galápagos Time GALT. GALT is UTC -0600. Mainland Ecuador's longitude is 78° 00' W the longitude of the Galápagos is 91° 00' W. Therefore time in both parts of Ecuador is exactly the right amount of hours behind UTC. The name Ecuador derives from the Spanish word for equator. The Equator runs through the country, because of this Ecuador has no need for daylight savings time.
Important cities in Ecuador
Ecuador has several timezones, the current time in some important cities in Ecuador is shown below.
Time in Ecuador