Current time in Fiji
Local time in Fiji
The time in Fiji is 12 hours ahead of UTC and 17 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in Fiji is Fiji Time (FJT). Fiji is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 2021.
Details for the time in Fiji
Current time | 11:32 a.m.
Time zone | Fiji Time (FJT) |
IANA time zone | Pacific/Fiji |
Your time difference | 17 hours ahead of Columbus |
UTC time difference | UTC+12 12 hours ahead of UTC |
Fiji Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Fiji is not using Daylight Saving Time.
Fiji uses Fiji Time FJT and Fiji Summer Time FJST. FJT is UTC +1200 and FJST +1300. Fiji's latitude and longitude is 18° 00' S and 179 ° 00' E. Greenwich and Fiji are on opposite sides of the world. Therefore the 12 hours offset between FJT and UTC is not surprising. Fiji’s latitude is relatively low for a country using daylight savings time. The country only has a small need for daylight savings time and they use it only a few months of the year.
Important cities in Fiji
The current time in some important cities in Fiji is shown below.
Time in Fiji