Current time in French Southern Territories

French Southern Territories

4:23 a.m.
March 4, 2025

Local time in French Southern Territories

The time in French Southern Territories is 5 hours ahead of UTC and 10 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in French Southern Territories is French Southern and Antarctic Time (TFT). French Southern Territories is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 1959.

Details for the time in French Southern Territories

Current time
4:23 a.m.
Time zone French Southern and Antarctic Time (TFT)
IANA time zone Indian/Kerguelen
Your time difference 10 hours ahead of Columbus
UTC time difference UTC+5
5 hours ahead of UTC

French Southern Territories Daylight Saving Time (DST)

French Southern Territories is not using Daylight Saving Time.

French Southern Territories

The French Southern and Antarctic Lands use French Southern and Antarctic Time TFT. TFT is UTC +0500. French Southern and Antarctic Lands latitude and longitude is 49° 15' S and 69° 35' E. Therefore a five hours offset between TFT and UTC is not surprising. The French Southern and Antarctic Lands don’t use daylight savings time. This might surprise you because of its high latitude. The length of the days is heavily affected by the season. However there is no permanent civilian population on the French Southern and Antarctic Lands and therefore no need for daylight savings time.

Important cities in French Southern Territories

The current time in some important cities in French Southern Territories is shown below.

Time in French Southern Territories