Current time in Guinea-Bissau


11:21 p.m.
March 3, 2025

Local time in Guinea-Bissau

The time in Guinea-Bissau is the same as in UTC and 5 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in Guinea-Bissau is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Guinea-Bissau is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 1974.

Details for the time in Guinea-Bissau

Current time
11:21 p.m.
Time zone Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
IANA time zone Africa/Bissau
Your time difference 5 hours ahead of Columbus
UTC time difference UTC+0
same time as UTC

Guinea-Bissau Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Guinea-Bissau is not using Daylight Saving Time.


Guinea Bissau uses Greenwich Mean Time GMT. GMT is UTC +0000. Guinea Bissau's latitude and longitude is 12° 00' N and 15° 00' W. Therefore you would expect time in Guinea Bissau to be one hours behind UTC. It is not and as a result Guinea Bissau has a late sunrise. The country isn’t far north of the equator and has no use for daylight savings time.

Important cities in Guinea-Bissau

The current time in some important cities in Guinea-Bissau is shown below.

Time in Guinea-Bissau