Current time in Hafnarfjordur


5:21 p.m.
Dec. 3, 2024

Local time in Hafnarfjordur

The time in Hafnarfjordur is the same as in UTC and 5 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in Hafnarfjordur is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Hafnarfjordur is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST).

Details for the time in Hafnarfjordur

Current time
5:21 p.m.
Time zone Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
IANA time zone Atlantic/Reykjavik
Your time difference 5 hours ahead of Columbus
UTC time difference UTC+0
same time as UTC

Hafnarfjordur Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Hafnarfjordur is not using Daylight Saving Time.