Current time in Ireland
Local time in Ireland
The time in Ireland is 1 hour ahead of UTC and 6 hours ahead of Chicago. The current timezone in Ireland is Irish Standard Time (IST). Ireland is currently observing Standard Time (DST) also known as winter time. Daylight Saving Time in Ireland starts at Oct. 26, 2024.
Details for the time in Ireland
Current time | 11:14 p.m.
Time zone |
Irish Standard Time (IST)
DST: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) |
IANA time zone | Europe/Dublin |
Your time difference | 6 hours ahead of Chicago |
UTC time difference | UTC+1 1 hour ahead of UTC |
Ireland Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Ireland uses Daylight Saving Time. In the table below you can find out when DST begins and when DST ends in Ireland.
Last DST ended at |
March 30, 2024 Sets the clock back 1 hour |
Next DST starts at |
Oct. 26, 2024 Sets the clock forward 1 hour |
DST is ending at |
March 29, 2025 Sets the clock back 1 hour |
Ireland uses Irish Standard Time IST and Greenwich Mean Time GMT. IST is UTC +0100 and GMT is UTC +0000. GMT is used during the winter, Irish Standard Time is Irish Summer Time. Ireland’s latitude and longitude is 53° 00’N and 8° 00’W. This far north the use of daylight savings time is not surprising. Geographical Irelands time zone should be UTC +0030, just between GMT and IST.
Important cities in Ireland
The current time in some important cities in Ireland is shown below.
Time in Ireland