Current time in Libya
Local time in Libya
The time in Libya is 2 hours ahead of UTC and 7 hours ahead of Ashburn. The timezone in Libya is Eastern European Time (EET). Libya is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 2013.
Details for the time in Libya
Current time | 5:28 p.m.
Time zone | Eastern European Time (EET) |
IANA time zone | Africa/Tripoli |
Your time difference | 7 hours ahead of Ashburn |
UTC time difference | UTC+2 2 hours ahead of UTC |
Libya Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Libya is not using Daylight Saving Time.
Libya uses Eastern European Time EET. EET is UTC +0200. Libya's latitude and longitude is 25° 00' N and 17° 00' E. Therefore geographical time in Libya is too far ahead of UTC. As a result the sunrise in Libya is relatively late. Libya doesn’t observe daylight savings time. The latitude of the country isn’t very high. Because time in Libya is too far ahead of UTC one could say Libya is on daylight savings time all year round.
Important cities in Libya
The current time in some important cities in Libya is shown below.
Time in Libya