Current time in Tonga


10:14 a.m.
Jan. 31, 2025

Local time in Tonga

The time in Tonga is 13 hours ahead of UTC and 18 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in Tonga is Tonga Time (TOT). Tonga is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 2017.

Details for the time in Tonga

Current time
10:14 a.m.
Time zone Tonga Time (TOT)
IANA time zone Pacific/Tongatapu
Your time difference 18 hours ahead of Columbus
UTC time difference UTC+13
13 hours ahead of UTC

Tonga Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Tonga is not using Daylight Saving Time.


Tonga is a group of 177 Islands in Southern Pacific Ocean. Tonga uses Tonga Time TOT. TOT is UTC +1300! Tonga’s longitude is 175° 12′ 0″ W. Therefore geographically time in Tonga should be 11 hours behind UTC instead of 13 ahead. By observing UTC +1300 Tonga is on the same day as nearby Australia and New Zealand. The International Dateline was bent around Tonga making it the first place on earth to see the new day.

Important cities in Tonga

The current time in some important cities in Tonga is shown below.

Time in Tonga