Current time in Wallis and Futuna

Wallis and Futuna

11:26 a.m.
March 4, 2025

Local time in Wallis and Futuna

The time in Wallis and Futuna is 12 hours ahead of UTC and 17 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in Wallis and Futuna is Wallis and Futuna Time (WFT). Wallis and Futuna is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST).

Details for the time in Wallis and Futuna

Current time
11:26 a.m.
Time zone Wallis and Futuna Time (WFT)
IANA time zone Pacific/Wallis
Your time difference 17 hours ahead of Columbus
UTC time difference UTC+12
12 hours ahead of UTC

Wallis and Futuna Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Wallis and Futuna is not using Daylight Saving Time.

Wallis and Futuna

Wallis and Futuna use Wallis and Futuna Time WFT. WFT is UTC +1200. Wallis and Futuna is a French island collectivity in the South Pacific located at 13° 18′ 0″ S and 176° 12′ 0″ W. Therefore being twelve hours ahead of UTC is very suitable for Wallis and Futuna. It is one of the first places in the world to see the new day.

Important cities in Wallis and Futuna

The current time in some important cities in Wallis and Futuna is shown below.

Time in Wallis and Futuna