Current time in Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands

12:01 p.m.
Oct. 22, 2024

Local time in Cayman Islands

The time in Cayman Islands is 5 hours behind UTC and 1 hour behind Columbus. The timezone in Cayman Islands is Eastern Standard Time (EST). Cayman Islands is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST).

Details for the time in Cayman Islands

Current time
12:01 p.m.
Time zone Eastern Standard Time (EST)
IANA time zone America/Cayman
Your time difference 1 hour behind Columbus
UTC time difference UTC-5
5 hours behind UTC

Cayman Islands Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Cayman Islands is not using Daylight Saving Time.

Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands use Eastern Standard Time EST. EST is UTC -0500. The Cayman Island’s latitude is 19° 30' N. Because of its location close to the equator the Cayman Islands have no need for daylight savings time.

Important cities in Cayman Islands

The current time in some important cities in Cayman Islands is shown below.

Time in Cayman Islands