Current time in Mexico


As you may know, Mexico is a big country. The longitude of its most eastern point is around 87° W and its most western point is at 117° W. It takes the sun two hours to “travel” from the east to the west. It is therefore no surprise that Mexico uses multiple time zones. Mexico is divided into four time zones and uses daylight savings time. So actually there are eight time zones, four for summer and four for winter. From east to west Mexico observes: Eastern Standard Time EST and Eastern Daylight Time EDT. EST is UTC -0500 and EDT is UTC -0400 Central Standard Time CST and Central Daylight Time CDT. CST is UTC -0600 and CDT is UTC -0500 Mountain Standard Time MST and Mountain Daylight Time MDT. MST is UTC -0700 and UDT is UTC -0600 Pacific Standard Time PST and Pacific Daylight Time PDT. PST is UTC -0800 and PDT is -0700.

Important cities in Mexico

Mexico has several timezones, the current time in some important cities in Mexico is shown below.

Time in Mexico