Current time in Niger
Local time in Niger
The time in Niger is 1 hour ahead of UTC and 6 hours ahead of Columbus. The timezone in Niger is West Africa Time (WAT). Niger is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST).
Details for the time in Niger
Current time | 12:18 a.m.
Time zone | West Africa Time (WAT) |
IANA time zone | Africa/Niamey |
Your time difference | 6 hours ahead of Columbus |
UTC time difference | UTC+1 1 hour ahead of UTC |
Niger Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Niger is not using Daylight Saving Time.
Niger uses West Africa Time WAT. WAT is UTC +0100. The longitude of Niger’s western border is 2° 00’ E. The Longitude of its eastern border is 16° 00’E. Therefore being one hour ahead of UTC is too much for the west of the country. GMT, on the other hand would be unsuitable for the east. UTC +0030 would be perfect for Niger. As it is, the west of Niger has to wait a while to see the sunrise.
Important cities in Niger
The current time in some important cities in Niger is shown below.
Time in Niger