Current time in Niue


12:28 p.m.
March 3, 2025

Local time in Niue

The time in Niue is 11 hours behind UTC and 6 hours behind Columbus. The timezone in Niue is Niue Time (NUT). Niue is not using Daylight Saving Time (DST) but used to in the past. The last DST transition was in 1964.

Details for the time in Niue

Current time
12:28 p.m.
Time zone Niue Time (NUT)
IANA time zone Pacific/Niue
Your time difference 6 hours behind Columbus
UTC time difference UTC-11
11 hours behind UTC

Niue Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Niue is not using Daylight Saving Time.


Niue uses Niue Time NUT. NUT is UTC -1100. Niue is a small island country in the South Pacific Ocean. Niue’s latitude and longitude is 19° 3′ 0″ S and 169° 55′ 0″ W. Therefore being eleven hours behind UTC is very suitable for the island. There is no daylight savings time on Niue, considering its latitude this is no surprise. Niue isn’t far east of the international date line, because of this it’s one of the last countries to see the sun before the new day starts.

Important cities in Niue

The current time in some important cities in Niue is shown below.

Time in Niue