Current time in Australia


As we all know Australia is very big. The longitude of Australia’s east coast is 155° 00' E. The longitude of Australia’s west coast is close to 115° 00' E. As a result there is a time difference of almost 3 hours between the sunrise in the east and the west of the country. It is therefore not surprising Australia uses multiple time zones. The East of Australia uses Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST (UTC +1000) and Australian Eastern Daylight Time AEDT (UST +1100). Central Australia uses Australian Central Standard Time ACST (UTC +0930) and Australian Central Daylight Time ACDT (UTC +1030). The west of Australia uses Australian Western Standard Time AWST (UTC +0800) and Australian Western Daylight Time AWDT (UTC +0900). Beside these official time zones some places in Australia use the unofficial Western Central Time WCT (UTC +0845). Parts of Australia use daylight savings time. Determining the time in Australia can be complicated, luckily you found a website to help you.